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My Journal 2011

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My Journal 2011 Empty My Journal 2011

Post  J.J. Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:37 am

Sunday, 28th of Ramadan 2011

Asalamualaikum Warhmatullah Wabarkatuh, Wats up everybody  ….. Well, as you all know, I promised you a journal for this year and so far; nothing interesting has happened. Our first stop is Taif, we had a long ……….LONG********** long ………. LONG; you can stop me if you get bored   NOT SO GREAT ( can't describe much; nothing special, cause all we did is wat we do in any trip ** OUR RUTINE** screeming, laughing, joking around and Let's get crazy. Actually, when ever we get bored and tired of the road, We do those stuff.

[img]My Journal 2011 Trip10[/img]

CooOOl dust storm ha!!!! …

[img]My Journal 2011 Sdd10[/img]

The good news is that one of our relatives offered us to stay in their(wat you may call it) : Mobile home. I got to admit, cleanliness is tight around here and yes, it is very comfartable. 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms and a living room. Check out these pictures :

Door interance

[img]My Journal 2011 Dsf10[/img]

Tasha chilling in the living room( Oh I forgot to mention, Daisy and Tasha had a hard time adjusting in the car) POOR FELOWS

[img]My Journal 2011 Tasha10[/img]

A very good looking antique, the door next to it is the bathroom .

[img]My Journal 2011 Shelve12[/img]

This is the living room Smile
[img]My Journal 2011 Living10[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 Wood10[/img]

Notice the whole place is made of wood… !! * something different for a change Smile

Well now, I just woke up from an exhausting trip that lasted at least 8 ours. I feel good after along shower and a nap. I was even looking good Check out my finger nail polish that goes great with my P.J."s

[img]My Journal 2011 P_j_z10[/img]

Around the evening, Our whole family decided to get some air and go sight seeing. The weather was nice and comforting. Of course, it's nothing like Riyadh.. I mean yes, Riyadh is burning but, life around here is very simple.

[img]My Journal 2011 Sight_10[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 Rocks10[/img]

By the time we left this place, we went to see if there's Iftar Saem in any of the nearest restaurants. Luckily, we did and all I have to say is Alhamdullah(Good food) …….. Sorry, I was hungry I didn't get a chance to get some shots from that place

Here I am now in my bedroom, kicking back laptop on my lap, got my P.J.'s on and getting ready for a new day 2morrow. Sadly,Me and My MOM can't pray which means We can't join the rest of the family on their way to umrah.

Posts : 215
Join date : 2010-04-28
Age : 34
Location : Planet Earth


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My Journal 2011 Empty Wednesday, first day Eid(August; 2011)

Post  J.J. Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:49 am

Wednesday, first day Eid(August; 2011)
Before anything, Happy Eid to everyone. May Allah spread blessings among Muslims in all times. Of course, this vacation was suppose to turn out well as I predicted but, I don't think I'm excited as I used to. I mean when it comes to traveling; I'm on first( I love traveling) … and I'd never imagined my self say** I wanna go home** Well, guess wat!! I just said it Razz… maybe cause I haven't been around people for a while. Today in the afternoon, we wake up and it seems like I'm the only one excited about Eid. All I saw was scrawny faces and sleepy heads. Then, I realized my dad and brothers for the first time; didn't go for salat Eid which is out of the ordinary. I got dress, we ate lunch and we decided to go out. Our plan was to prepare a small party here at our cabin; just us family. So, we went to The super market and went crazy   especially over the sweets( I mean really could you resist something like this!! )

[img]My Journal 2011 Candy10[/img]

By the time we were finished shopping, we went to the first floor where all kind of entertainment was filling the roof … you know; our little brothers were there and their happiness counts too. As they were messing around; I'd take pictures of them and the place … it's a very nice mall (kind of reminds me of Shifa mall in Riyadh)

Couldn't leave my favorite color staying there looking fine and no picture.. this shot turned out pretty good too… Very Happy

[img]My Journal 2011 Mall10[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 Eid10[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 Eid210[/img]


Well amigos, see you 2morrow with another exclusive of Sara's boring life. Razz Razz Later

Posts : 215
Join date : 2010-04-28
Age : 34
Location : Planet Earth


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My Journal 2011 Empty Wednsday,2nd day of Eid; September the 1st

Post  J.J. Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:12 am

Wednsday,2nd day of Eid; September the 1st
Greetings readers, glad to be here ; cause today was exciting, thrilling and I don't wanna say much, I'll just tell ya the story :
Well, once upon a time, Al-Subaie family decided to go to a park in one of the fascinating landscapes in Taif. We went cruising around town to find an appropriate place to have fun; luckily, we did and Yes; it was beautiful. We rented one of the highest Shaleh on the mountain( That's the best of course ).. Look at the view from on top.. ::::

[img]My Journal 2011 View10[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 View_210[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 Veiw_310[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 View_410[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 View_510[/img]

I don't know if the pictures give you an idea of what we felt; it was very windy and I thought I felt tiny drops of rain( some areas in Taif are raining heavily Mashallah )
Well, then let me give you a tour in our cabin :
This picture below shows you the entrance..( look at the painting design; I liked it )

[img]My Journal 2011 Design10[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 Balcon10[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 Room10[/img]

What I cared most is the cleanliness and this place says it all….
Around the evening while our brothers went out to play, My sister's and I thought of joining them.. I'm glad we did ; cause we had a lot of fun… we bought of tickets to go on some rides and yes, I enjoyed it nothing to brag about. You see when I was little, I used to get excited about these things but, It seems like the more older I get, the less interest I get about these things( I'm sure you guys know what I mean!! )

Yup!!!! Time flies when your having fun, before we left; our brothers and I had a chance to go see the circus(not a fancy place but, acceptable).. there were lots of sort of entertainment like comedy, tricks and lions )……. It was fine just fine… Smile

GUESS WHAT!!!! Tomorrow I'm taking my first Umra  .. Finally, I thought I'd never get a chance ((( Alhamduallah )))
THE END   See ya …

[img]My Journal 2011 Tash10[/img]

Posts : 215
Join date : 2010-04-28
Age : 34
Location : Planet Earth


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My Journal 2011 Empty Saturday, 5th day Eid; Semptember the 3rd 2011

Post  J.J. Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:33 am

Saturday, 5th day Eid; Semptember the 3rd 2011
Hey everyone, it's 10:10 P.m. and I'm in the greatest mood. I feel good, refreshing and I wish everyday I felt this way. I chose this day from all because this day is a special day I'm willing not to forget. My feet are killing me; yet, their nearly exhausted but, believe it or not; I still feel good. Do you wanna know wat really made my day!!! As I wake up in the morning 9:00; Unexpectedly, without no alert; my Dad said : let's go …… we have to go now before it gets crowded(No it's not the market).. we get in the car, as we prepare our selves for a wonderful journey of our lives. Yes, I have to admit; it was tiring but, nothing stopped us from resting. We walk and walk and walk AND before you know it!! We're there!! Are you wondering where!!?? Yup!! Are you thinking wat I'm thinking!?? If your thinking wat I'm thinking is right!?? Then, you might've discovered that the place we arrived in is the place we've been fond to see. We miss it a lot. 3 YEARS has passed and we never got a chance to go pass it a little. But, today we did( we made it) guys……..>>>>>>>>>>>> ain't she a beauty!!?? :

[img]My Journal 2011 Jhjbk10[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 Jbhj10[/img]

As we get in, we take off our shoes and go on our way to the first step of Umra. Before getting there, you can feel the breeze against your skin; cooling you off from the burning sun. Walking amongst millions of Muslims; listening to their worship to their Lord; listening to the birds as they sing like we're the guests they've been waiting for so long. Here we are we finally made it…. Bait Allah Al haram :

That's my bro Zeezo in his Ehram Smile
[img]My Journal 2011 Meccah10[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 Nice10[/img]

Nothing can cover the beauty of this place nothing ever. Now, we are getting ready to go around the Ka'aba. It was a hot day out there. Going around the Ka'aba and seeing people helping each other and caring for one and other was something that went through my heart and touched it. Seeing people passing out water and and spreading the water on our heads to cool off( who wouldn't be touched by their care ).. No body cared rather we were black, mixed or what ever. They just all treated us the same.

[img]My Journal 2011 110[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 310[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 510[/img]

[img]My Journal 2011 610[/img]

I was so close to the Ka'aba, I can almost touch it… we finished Al Tawaf and it went by like a flesh; in fact, it went by like a dream. Now, we head our way to Sa'ay; where we go back and fourth seven times. It was tiring yes; but, every time we loose our breath, we go get us a sip of ZamZam.. AHHHHH.. I can feel the thirst right now.

Our journey ended by then. However, it wasn't the end; it was a new beginning for us. To remind us that this world has to have an end and to make sure that we are prepared for that day when we face our Lord ALLAH. May God Answer our Dua'as.. Ameeeen
Smile Smile Smile

Hope you enjoyed my trip Like a Star @ heaven

Posts : 215
Join date : 2010-04-28
Age : 34
Location : Planet Earth


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