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help in a wedding gift

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help in a wedding gift Empty help in a wedding gift

Post  haloo Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:03 pm


i neeed ur help all of u Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad ..please

one of friends is gonna get married after 2 weeks

she told me she bought everything excpet her make up Neutral

so ,,i thought i'll be amazing if buy her a whole Collection of

makeup as a gift 4 her wedding Rolling Eyes .....

the problem is i have nooooo idea about these stuff Sad Sad ...

so ,,,guys what do think ,,where can i found one with a beautiful

shape ,good quality and reasonable price Very Happy

waiting 4 yoooooou..... Arrow Exclamation


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help in a wedding gift Empty Re: help in a wedding gift

Post  J.J. Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:17 am

Hello Haloo Smile To Be Honest, I'm never into those stuff too however, I do know someone who knows. She told me to go to this place called ( Mikyagy ) مكياجي
She said everything you need is there. She even showed me some of her makeups and from the looks of it, I think it's good quality , but I have no idea about the prices nor where is it located!!! scratch scratch

That would be Memo or Ashjan ??? scratch I don't remember which of them but I surely know that they are perffessionals in fasion king I love their stuff. SoooOOoo Ausome Cool ( Mashallah ).

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help in a wedding gift Empty Re: help in a wedding gift

Post  haloo Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:05 am

thanks god there's someone in this world like me Very Happy ...

and u tell about memo and ashjan ((mashallah))they're really profetions

thier makeups looks very natural and beautiful... I love you

thanks j.j 4 the advice and i'm gonna go to mekyaji amd have alook Cool

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Age : 35

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help in a wedding gift Empty Re: help in a wedding gift

Post  BuBu Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:00 pm

Hi Haloo

Hope you're fine..

from my experience ..

It's something difficult to buy makeup for someone, especially for a bride..

Including that you want to bring her a whole set..

That could be very expensive (for a good brand) + makeup depends on her personality ..
some people like glittery stuff, others like natural looks ..

Mekyaji is not bad.. but some of there makeups have a really really really bad quality : (

I suggest a simple collection of natural colors (for every day use) from a good brand..

The brand depends on your budget..

Some Perfect Brands like Christian Dior - Channel - Yves Saint Laurent
these have very very very beautiful collections of eye shadow \ rouge \ and blushers
with very very natural colors and Perfect quality..
But they are kind of expensive..
it depends on what you want to give her..

Another nice Brand is MAC ..
( I love it❤)

It's quality is Perfect , and in my opinion, I see that its cheaper then the first group..And it has the same quality..
Its lipsticks cost about 90 riyals ( i'm not so sure ><" , but it's near that cost)
The Blushers cost 95 riyals.. ( but they are P E R F E C T )
The shadows are about 70 riyals,, if you want to take each color separate..
But you can take a set of 4 colors .. with a lower price..
or a set of 12 ( i think ><" )
which is more lower..

I Luv this brand Smile

There are other Brands that are not Bad, and very natural..
Like The Body Shop and Mikyaji
But I have a bad experience with Mikyaji ,, so that's why i'm not a friend of him.. Sad
Including that these two are way more cheaper then the other groups..

BTW.. I know sb who tried mikyaji's makeup set..It's not that good quality..


how about a shower collection from The Body Shop..
Or a Nice Perfume set.. that comes with a shower jell and a body lotion..

These are nice..
And a new Bride usually has tons and tons of perfumes queen lol!


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help in a wedding gift Empty Re: help in a wedding gift

Post  J.J. Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:52 am

WOW Shocked Shocked Mashallah BUBU... Impresive Shocked

I didn't know you had So much Experience about makeup (( Mashallah )) Very Happy ... I don't know about you guys but, I'm a little bit socked Surprised .... I mean you give every details and every detail makes sense. (...Prices, perfumes and body care.................. Mashallah I may be exaggerating but, I've never seen anyone with so much expereince.... I mean you guys know me I'm a (SLOB) Suspect

Good for you BUBU... I'm sure Haloo'll take your advice Smile

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help in a wedding gift Empty Re: help in a wedding gift

Post  haloo Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:22 am

wooow bubu ,,,u have no idea how much u helped me ...

i was really confused about this gift especially as u said some

brands are good in some prouducts and bad in the others..just like

max factor ,,i love thier maskara but when it comes to the foudition

Sad silent it's awful ...so ..i started use the body shop's foundition

which's soooo beautiful and natural...

this why i was thinking of buying an empty bag and fill it with

different brands...but oh god it's a very long way... Arrow

but u know ,,i already bought a whole collection of body care

from nectar it's called (the bride collection) it's amazing.. I love you

but when she mentioned that she still need makeups Suspect ..i

i changed my mind scratch ...

thanks bubu aloooooot u convince me completely cheers


i guess no one excpet me and you ,has this relastionship with

all that girly stuff Basketball ....good for us cheers

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