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ur mind & ur heart

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ur mind & ur heart Empty ur mind & ur heart

Post  haloo Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:48 am

hello guyz...

i would like 2 see ur opinions about this ..

i always hear that people should think by thier minds not thier

heart,,i never get the meaning..

couple days ago ,,i met this woman (( my cousin's friend's mother) Rolling Eyes

she is a Psychiatrist...once she started talking to me i felt like

she knew me for ages Shocked ...

in the end of the converstion she said,,u are very realistic about

everyting in life ,,u gotta stop thinking by ur mind and do whatever

ur heart tells u Neutral Neutral Neutral ....or u gonna miss the joy of life Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

now i start thinking with my heart but nothing going right with me

more than that i feel that i may take a dection and destroy sth. No No ..

so ,are u really believe in that and if so which one u follow

ur scratch or ur I love you ???

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Age : 35

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ur mind & ur heart Empty Re: ur mind & ur heart

Post  J.J. Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:52 am

Hello Haloo Smile You must be freaked out after that incident Shocked Shocked well let me tell you something I believe in...
( think with your head , don't follow your heart) You always hear this a lot from people, it’s true Haloo
I surely believe in this cause once you follow your heart and emotions, you’ll get hurt a lot and it’ll be hard for you to go along your life. I was really into this subject so, I had a little chat with my MOM and this is what she said :

In some situations it’s not a bad thing to follow your heart SOMETIMES NOT ALL THE TIME… however, there has to be a limit. There is got to be a time where you have to use your head and be logical. Logical people always survive YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY???? cause their speech always make sense and when you listen to them you feel that what their saying is the right decision. She also encouraged me to do Istikarah ( (استخاره….. when ever you’re confused about something and you want an answer, go towards Allah cause he is the only keys to your problems…

Let me tell you an incident that happen to me at my first years in campus
Some Muslim people at the end of the year, always say (كل عام وانتم بخير ( !! you know they wish you a new happy year. I used to be one of them. I didn’t think it was a big deal. I thought it was nice to congratulate friends and family at the end of the year So, I decided to make cards for my friends written on it * Happy New Year* Of Course my intentions was to wish them a happy year in An Islamic way( I’m sure some of you know the cards I gave you back when we were in level one Smile I love you . After I finished the cards, I had this itchy feeling that something wasn’t right!! I don’t know how to describe it, it was just a feeling of guiltiness. Even though I was happy about it, there was still confusion in me. I really wanted to pray( Istikarah) So bad but, I was on my menses ( You know something that happens every month ) Razz . Anyway, I just said the Dua’a without praying and I went to college. I said hi to my friends and I gave them the cards. Right after I gave them the cards, in less than five minutes , our religion teacher came in as usual and the answer of my Istikarah came right a way like a flesh Idea Idea . You wanna know what she said before the lecture??!!!
She said something about people who congratulate others at the end of the year. That it’s not forbidden but, you should try your best to ovoid it. After that I felt that Allah is telling me something and guiding me to the right way. I felt So good, because I knew that my only hope was Allah not my heart. I didn’t follow my heart to seek an answer, I used my logic by going towards Allah…. Is there better than that!!!!! Exclamation Exclamation
So , don’t worry Haloo… Smile . If you want my opinion I think your doing the right thing using your logic is the best decision and don’t let someone put you down by saying follow your heart or you won’t enjoy life. You will enjoy life even if you don’t follow your heart in fact better cause Allah is there for you. He’s always there for you. You just need to be there for him…. ( get the point ) sunny


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ur mind & ur heart Empty Re: ur mind & ur heart

Post  SoRi- Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:05 pm

Thanks hun for sharing your thoughts!
Although it's known that women are emotional creature and they are controlled by their hearts mostly, I think it is not the case with me XD
I actually suffered at the beginning trying to think by my mind and avoid listening to my heart all the time and to give my mind a chance!
I've noticed that I've done better choices lately which are so great to me!
Thanks again looly ^^

Posts : 15
Join date : 2010-05-26

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