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Mixed & Happy : )

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Post  J.J. Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:07 am

Mixed Race Families

Reading a book
By involving your children in both sides of their racial heritage - such as celebrating both parents’ religious or traditional events - you are helping them reach their own self-awareness of their cultural and racial identity, without labelling them. Rather than focussing on questions around what racial group they belong to, it is important to help them understand that they are part of both or more groups and allow them to ask questions about their background and identity if they need to.
“There are identity issues for mixed race children.”
Spending time with relatives from both sides of the family can also aid in educating them about their background, and its diversity. By hearing their aunts, uncles, and grandparent’s stories and accounts about another country, culture or religion, they are developing a greater awareness about another part of themselves, that they may have never experienced first-hand.
Unfortunately, sometimes difficult questions and prejudice can arise. Such as instances where people within their community expect them to categorise themselves as one specific race, not accepting that they belong to two or more. It is this type of ignorance that makes it even more vital for parents to inform their children of all aspects of their racial and cultural heritage, so that they are comfortable with who they are. It can be more difficult to do this in instances of lone-parent families where the non-resident parent does not play a big role in their child’s life, as it is left to the resident parent to fill their child in on a culture they may know nothing about.
“Mixed race families seem to be overlooked by both cultures.”
Reading books or looking at websites with your child about the country of origin or culture their other parent comes from, can help to bridge the gap of information available to them, and also provide you with some knowledge about your child’s heritage.
Again, if you do have contact with your ex-partner’s family, it is a great way of helping your child to learn about their mixed background and can help to answer their questions when and if they arise

Interesting topic!! Reading about mixed families and them having experience of both cultures is the topic I’ve been seeking for the last 3 weeks(or maybe more).. Recently, there was so many questions floating in my mind and it seems like I couldn’t find any answers for any of my mysterious questions but, after reading this article; made me understand what is it like to be mixed. Now, prepare to be amazed ….. Reading a book

To make things more exciting & interesting, I have brought you pictures from different sites and blogs to let you see with your own eyes what do mix people really look like… OBSERVE Taking a picture

Now, here is one of the pictures I’ve got from a blog. They're 1/4 Korean & Dutch from Daddy. Mostly Irish, Scottish, Native American
[img]Mixed & Happy : ) Usuuus10[/img]

Aren’t they adorable or WHAT What a Face !!!!

[img]Mixed & Happy : ) Oooous10[/img]

Look at her light hair and blue eyes but, her features are more like Asian . That is so amazing( she took a little from here and a little from there) COOL

Here’s another picture. The kids took the looks and the dark skin from their father … but, if you ask me, I think they took a little bit of their mothers features. Especially the oldest boy right beside his father. (I can see his mothers looks don’t you think??)
[img]Mixed & Happy : ) 26304_10[/img]

Now here comes the best part
. Black couples from Nigeria give birth to a white blue eye baby girl in England. Some reports said that medical experts were shocked and surprised from this sense of differences and awkwardness. Could this be possible, is it really TRUE.???
Find out by pressing on this link:

[img]Mixed & Happy : ) Black-10[/img]

[img]Mixed & Happy : ) 305010[/img]

Now, here is a little something that’ll really surprise you for sure. A couple; the father is dark skinned and the mother is white give birth to 2 adorable twins. One is white like her mother the other one is black like her father and the strangest thing here is that the parents do it again by giving birth to other twins. One is white the other is black. WOW… that is really amazing check it out..

[img]Mixed & Happy : ) 30-12-10[/img]

[img]Mixed & Happy : ) Snn31010[/img]

Very impressive.. gorgeous little eyes….
[img]Mixed & Happy : ) Black_10[/img]

I’ve read once in an article that these changes of the eye color and hair goes back to different Generations either from your parents or from your great grand parents. I also, read from some blogs that some of the mixed children don’t feel satisfied of their looks. Some of them even describe their looks as if they were aliens alien !!! I see This feeling is natural for mixed people. Maybe they see themselves not accepted in their society cause of their different unique looks and different thinking considering they have knowledge of both cultures. I myself know the feeling; however, it’s just a temporary feeling. By time you’ll realize that being mixed is not just weird but, cooler than you think.. Laughing

Are any of you are from mixed races or any of your relatives or anyone you know?? Tell me about how they feel of being mixed?

Posts : 215
Join date : 2010-04-28
Age : 34
Location : Planet Earth


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