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my yammmmmmi cinaaaamon...

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my yammmmmmi cinaaaamon... Empty my yammmmmmi cinaaaamon...

Post  haloo Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:24 am

hi guyz

wooow i miss the forum sooooooo much ,,but my laptop was broken ..


i hope ur remember this recipe...the easiest and the most wonderful..

u need..

2 cups of flour
3 tablespoon of powder milk
1 tablespoon of khameera Laughing
1 fenjan of sugar Laughing
1/2 cup of oil
1 egg
1 teaspoon vainlla
1/2 cup of warm water

after u mixed these togther leave it 4 an hour 2 rest

then the spread it and

put 2 tablespoon of soft butter on all over it

spread brown sugar

and cinamon

and coco powder

role it

cut it

leave for 15 mints then but it i the oven

when it done its gonna be sth like this

[img]my yammmmmmi cinaaaamon... DSC00398[/img]

then add any souce u love

choclate ""Nutella""


nistella milk

add some nuts

the final look

[img]my yammmmmmi cinaaaamon... DSC00396[/img]

[img]my yammmmmmi cinaaaamon... DSC00397[/img]

sorry guyz i explained fast coz there is a fly in room and she drives me crazy Mad Mad Mad

Posts : 50
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 35

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my yammmmmmi cinaaaamon... Empty Re: my yammmmmmi cinaaaamon...

Post  J.J. Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:36 am

Hello Haloo Very Happy I do 2 miss the forum that's why I'm trying as best as I can to make it active agian and thanks for the recipe.. you were right when you said YuMMMMMMMy Cool they were even tasteir than our Cinamon roll recipe..


Posts : 215
Join date : 2010-04-28
Age : 34
Location : Planet Earth


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